Today BIO Building is a sophisticated technological corporation, which has its own research and production facilities in Novosibirsk, where healthcare products made from natural components are developed and manufactured.
The BIO Building brand will soon celebrate its 15th anniversary, commemorating its journey since 2003. It was then that a team of bioscientists of Novosibirsk, the future founders of the company, commenced their large-scale research.
One of the founders of BIO Building is Natalia Dobrynina – Marine Biologist, Candidate of Biological Sciences, author of more than fifty published scientific papers, several patents and manuals.
The objectives were dictated by life itself – to improve people’s health, reveal life’s potential and to create unique innovative products based on natural ingredients. Most of their lives, Natalia and her team of like-minded biologists have been devoted to painstaking research into the crustacean Artemia sp. Their interest in the crustacean Artemia sp. originated from the research into its ancient origins and its unique ability to survive in extreme conditions.
Long before the creation of the brand and the company BIO Building, Natalia started conducting her research whilst studying and at work in the laboratory of aquatic ecosystems at the Academic Institute of SB RAS.
The opportunity for in-depth study of this topic was opened only after the establishment of the laboratory of biotechnology on the campus of the Polytechnic University in East Siberia.
The joint collaboration of biologists soon produced fundamental credible results, which affirmed the notion of using the crustacean to eliminate the deficiency of essential amino acids and certain trace elements. It was then that the protein supplement “Hatchling” based on the crustacean Artemia sp. was established and used for feeding newly hatched chicks, goslings and ducklings. The product began to be issued under the new brand BIO Building and started gaining popularity among veterinarians.
In the next 10 years, fundamental work was carried out on the creation of the first product – “Artemia Gold” lipid-vitamin complex.
One of the objectives set by BIO Building researchers was to discover ecologically clean sources away from the city infrastructures, manufacturing plants and economic activities of the population.
As a result of the search, a unique lake was found in the boundless lands of western Siberia, rich in crustaceans and particularly Artemia sp. However, for the production of a truly pure product, it was necessary to develop a gentle cleaning technology, which would allow preserving the natural micro- and macronutrients in their original form. Extensive experience and knowledge of the biological characteristics of these living organisms have allowed biologists to create a completely new and unique product “Artemia Gold”, which has been patented, and for several years produced by BIO Building.

In 2013, BIO Building launched a major production line, a substantial part of which was a bespoke set of technological equipment made to special order for BIO Building by scientific production and specialised enterprises.
In 2014 the first batch of the natural biologically active complex “Artemia Gold” was released – a new supplement based on the eggs of the crustacean Artemia sp., able to compensate for the deficiency of vital substances that can be used as a means of prevention of many human diseases.
Today, BIO Building is actively developing, directing all their efforts and wealth of research and experience to the development of new natural products based on natural ingredients.
Not stopping there, BIO Building launched into production a new natural product, “Astaxanthin + Omega-3, Omega-6 + Iodine +”, whose benefits include being a natural protection for the heart, blood vessels and brain.
BIO Building successfully accomplishes its set objectives – carefully revealing the wealth of nature, organic biological resources of Siberia, directing them to maintain a higher human life potential.