Primal care for natural welfare

    How to be healthy and happy

    It is likely that every one of us has at least once thought of and wanted to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nowadays, unfortunately, it is something not many people are able to do. But in fact it is very simple and all it requires is a little thought and effort. Health is a healthy body, a healthy mind and a strong immune system. This article will address specific facts and “the road to recovery.” After all, life is a good thing, and to be healthy is the most precious gift and joy for your relatives and friends. So how do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    1. Analyze yourself, your habits and temptations, understand what you really want and start to act. In order to begin to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to first ask yourself “what do I want, and do I really need that?”, because it only our desire that can help us materialise our thoughts into action.


    2. Eat right.

    Proper nutrition is one of the components of longevity and good health.

    Select the right diet and follow it. It is better to consume food in small portions but more frequently. For example, 5 times a day.

    3. Drink plenty of water.

    Water helps cleanse the body and improves its performance. Drink at least 1 litre of water a day.

    4. Exercise.

    shutterstock_134141111Sport is beneficial to all, both young and older people. Do exercises in the morning, it will help you rejuvenate before work, to cheer up and recharge for the day. Sport helps remove excess toxins from the body, maintain physical appearance and condition of the body. Furthermore, people who exercise, are  25% less prone to illness than those who don’t. Sport, in addition to providing physical activity, cultivates in people the spirit of sportsmanship, exercise willpower, restraint, patience and many other qualities.

    5. Work and rest in moderation.

    Your work schedule affects your health. Everyone should work and rest. If a person is constantly working, it puts your body through excessive fatigue and does not lead to anything good. Constant rest leads to the same outcome. There must be a balance – a balance between work and leisure. Each person should come out of their comfort zone and work hard to achieve something but occasionally we must allow ourselves to set aside time to relax, even if it is not a luxury trip to the Maldives, but at trip to the countryside or to the cottage for barbecue one must give themselves that time.

    6. Smile more often and have fun.

    The more a person smiles – the happier he is. Studies have shown that a positive-minded and emotionally positive people tend to be happier, full of enthusiasm and are less susceptible to various diseases and colds. Our attitude – is our perception of the world.

    7. Sleep in moderation.

    Strong and good sleep – one of the main components of health. Good sleep strengthens the immune system of a person. A person must sleep seven – eight hours a day. More or fewer hours of sleep will not benefit our body.


    8. Meditate.

    Meditation helps improve our immune system, our physical and spiritual health. Yoga helps to cope with stress, to relax, to calm down and just feel our body. Along with this it  also helps improve our physical health.

    9. Eat vitamins and supplements.

    The use of vitamins and biological additives also directly affect the condition of your body. A person must from time to time get those or other substances contained in products. For example, the consumption  of fruits and vegetables can provide you with vitamin C; milk, eggs and salmon contain vitamin D, in seafood – A. For full operation and maintenance of the immune system, a person needs to use vitamins, it can be both in food and in the vitamin complex, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

    10. Less harmful habits.

    It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle and smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc. are not compatible. Any of these habits weaken our immune system and contribute to various diseases and a deterioration of the general condition.

    11. Visit saunas and steam rooms.

    shutterstock_128976257According to research, every trip to the sauna or steam room has a positive effect on the immune system of a person. Try to use a sauna at least once a week and the results will not take long to show. The fact is that every time a person is in the sauna, he or she breathes in hot air, thus fending off germs from your body allowing it to heal itself.

    12. Less stress and depression, more joy and pleasure.

    When people start to get nervous or stressed, they begin to weaken their immune system as well as release a number of hormones that make them irritable. Try to surrender to depression and stress less, and smile a little more, be happy and enjoy life. By doing this you will reduce the flow of negative hormones, stop being forgetful, confused and angry. On the contrary, you will have a desire to do something, you will prosper, and your immune system will be fine.

    13. Conditioning. Conditioning significantly improves your health; it has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, helps to normalize the metabolism and blood pressure, strengthens the nervous system. Conditioning needs to be done gradually, starting from lower spectrum and increasing the severity with time . Do not immediately jump into the ice hole, or pour ice water if you feel completely unprepared. Start with towel rubbing and then gradually start taking contrast showers and etc.


    14. Enjoy nature and everything around you.

    This advice is not so much to enrich your body as the inner world and your perception of the world. Carrying a few hours in solitude with nature will help you rethink some things to think and just enjoy the outside world, for which today we have very little time.

    15. Include protein and probiotics within your meals as well as useful herbs.

    Consumption of protein is of essential for our body. Protein in the body forms so-called antibodies, which we can not produce without . It is necessary to eat fish, meat, dairy food, nuts and other foods containing protein. Also, to maintain your immune system it is essential to drink various herbs and herbal teas, which also contribute to our body function. Finally, to maintain a good immune system it is good to consume so-called probiotics – such as onion, garlic, artichoke, and other foods containing a beneficial bacteria needed for our body.

    Be healthy and follow these tips! Maintain a healthy lifestyle, condition, spend more time outdoors, playing sports, smile and be happy!
