Primal care for natural welfare


    Siberian company BIO Building”, with a scientific and production facilities is located in Akademgorodok, has developed a comprehensive biological food supplement. It’s main component – Artemia eggs, crustacean, which has incredible stamina and resistance to adverse environmental conditions.  What are the nutrients found in organic compounds, tested by millions of years of evolution, and how they compensate for the lack of nutrients in our diet, tells us Ph.D., co-founder of “BIO Building” Natalia Dobrynina.

    Nowadays, one of the dietary habits of the population in developed countries – the consumption of industrially manufactured products that pass strict technological process.  The result of the application of these technologies – the almost complete destruction of or substantial reduction in the content of vitamins, minerals and other important biologically active substances.  Consumption of these “empty” products combined with a sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that a person has reduced natural protection from various diseases, mental and physical performance, etc.

    Correctly choosing the products, you can prevent some of the so-called welfare inevitable signs of aging.  A healthy diet, along with regular exercise and quitting smoking, can prevent 80% of cases of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

    When it comes to food, it is difficult to determine what is useful and what is harmful.  Food is necessary for us to meet basic needs, but beyond that it can help us improve the quality of life and live longer.

    Leading experts, both in Russia and abroad have come to the conclusion that modern man must take the micro- and macronutrients, vitamins, amino acids, etc. that our body does not receive food.  In other words, the added components deficient in the diet, thereby replenishing shortage of nutrients in the body.  And it is desirable that these ingredients were natural.

    Director of the Research Institute of Nutrition, academician Viktor Tutelian, who first used the term dietary supplements (dietary supplement) in their scientific works, wrote that the biologically active food additives make the diet more balanced, optimized, tailored to the age, state of health , professional activities, etc., they can better meet the needs of people in the necessary power elements contribute to a more effective function of organs and systems.

    Biologically active food supplements can do two things: first – to fill the shortage of materials, the shortfall with food and second – become a means of prevention of human diseases.  They can not cure the disease, but may reduce the risk of disease, prevent or slow the disease.  This food supplement biological – substances obtained from raw animal, mineral or vegetable origin, or analogs thereof synthesized in biochemical laboratories.

    “Artemia Gold” just a completely natural additive comprising a biologically active substance, which is not enough for modern man: nucleic acids RNA and DNA, iodine, amino acids, vitamins A, D and E, proteins (including collagen), glucosamines and carotenoids “Artemia Gold.” – it is a natural compound, and all the nutrients are concentrated there in the living organic form, which ensures their high digestibility in “Artemia Gold” of each capsule contains powdered eggs crustacean Artemia sp, which is produced in Siberian lakes.. with a high salt concentration.  Copepods shrimp inhabit the Earth more than 100 million years, we can say – the same age of dinosaurs.  This species has survived to the present day, thanks to its unique ability to adapt: sudden changes in temperature, salt concentration in the water, drought, harmful radiation, and various kinds of pollution.  Artemia eggs have a high viability in an airless environment in a vacuum, the temperature drops to 300 degrees.  In spite of everything, Artemia preserves the most valuable – the very life and the ability to further reproduction.

    The value of Artemia is determined by its biochemical composition, which is characterized by a high content of protein, essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and other biologically active substances.

    As part of the capsules “Artemia Gold” is not artificially synthesized components.  It consists of a gelatin capsule (capsule shell) and powdered eggs crustacean Artemia, processed gentle patented technology that best preserves the natural goodness of natural and environmentally friendly product.

    Biologically active food supplement “Artemia Gold” promotes:

    • strengthen immunity
    • enhance metabolism
    • neutralize free radicals
    • cell regeneration
    • the rise of vitality and energy
    • the improvement of the cardiovascular system
    • improve the condition of hair, nails
    • Inhibition of menopausal process

    Siberia – a unique region, which has a lot of places untouched by technological progress.  The company “Bio Building” aims careful and organic use of the biological resources of Siberia to human health, the creation and promotion of natural organic dietary supplements and foods recommended for anyone who wants to reveal as much as possible and to maintain a high standard of potential for years to come.