Crustaceans Artemia sp. unique in just their survivability and resistance to negative environmental factors. They live and reproduce under conditions in which any living organism can die.
(on the picture: Artemia cysts)
Awesome fact! 
“Researchers drilled a well to get mineral water and found strange caviar. It turned out that this masonry was the crustacean caviar of Artemia sp., which had lain in the ground for several thousand years.
And then the real miracle happened!
A little later, small crustaceans hatched from this caviar, which was at least ten thousand years old! ”
How does Artemia help people?
Substances obtained from Artemia sp. have long been used in cosmetology and are able to combat premature skin aging. Creams or serums made on the basis of such bio-raw materials have an amazing effect.
Artemia is also unique in that it helps to not only solve the problem of infertility but also to restore their strength to men. Men lack 40% of the necessary components to reproduce offspring. Many of these components are found in the eggs (eggs) of Artemia sp. they have a unique healing effect and are able to maximize sexual activity.
The components that are contained in Artemia also contribute to the active maintenance and stimulation of the processes of synthesis of protein substances in the body, which is necessary for updating the cellular structures that make up the basis of all tissues and organs. The relevance of this process cannot be overestimated in therapy for people suffering from chronic diseases, as well as in the rehabilitation of patients after surgery, especially on soft tissues. For example, the nucleic acids that are contained in the egg are used to reduce the aging rate of cells and tissues, which improves the overall healing effect of complex therapy, especially after the age of 45-50. Caviar Artemia sp. known as skin and hair cell growth regulator. It helps to improve the nutrition of the skin of the face or hair bags, helps to moisturize and heal the skin.
Veterans say that in World War II to the shores of salt lakes with Artemia sp. they brought wounded tankers from the hospital so that the burns would heal better.
(Artemia crustacean pictured)

But besides these qualities, Artemia sp. has a huge number of properties vital to man.
It is also important that Artemia sp. Caviar contains a large amount of Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9. These components regulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, serve as a source of energy, are the building material for brain cells, strengthen immunity and reduce the effects of allergens!
Over 60% of the protein allows the use of Artemia sp. for the accumulation of lean muscle mass – for the strength and endurance of athletes, and the content of chitosan – contributes to effective weight loss!
The company “BIO Building” created products from the brine shrimp “Artemia Gold” and “Astaxanthin + Omega-3 + Omega-6 + Iodine”. These bio-complexes do not cure diseases. They help strengthen, protect and improve the body – as a result, he is ready to cope with many diseases.